2025 Grant Application

Power of the Purse, A Woman's Impact Fund

Power of the Purse (POP) Grant Eligibility Requirements:

Eligible organizations must be a registered exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Grant Applicants must complete a grant application and provide both a financial program and 2025 organizational budget on or before the grant deadline of April 1, 2025. Incomplete or late applications will not be eligible for the 2025 grant cycle. The beneficiaries or location of the specific project/program for this grant must be within Butler County, Ohio, and focus primarily on meeting the basic needs of women and/or children in Butler County. An organization that has previously received a POP Grant may not apply for 5 years.

Upload your organization's 2025 annual budget (PDF Format - 10MB Max) *
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Upload budget for THIS project, showing how the $10,000 grant would be applied if awarded. (PDF Format - 10MB Max) *
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Organization Name (as listed on IRS 501(c)3 letter): *
Federal Tax ID #: *
Organizational Website URL: *
Organization Mailing Address: *
Organization Phone Number: *
Organization Director's Name: *
Director's Email Address: *
Applicants Name: *
Applicants Email Address: *

Additional Emails you would like included in follow-up communications (list no more than 3):

Additional Email 1:
Additional Email 2:
Additional Email 3:
Year Organization was Founded: *
Mission Statement: *
Number of Clients served in 2024: *
Percentage of Clients served in 2024 who reside in Butler County: *
Project Name *

Project Summary: Please provide a brief summary of your grant proposal in the space provided below. This summary will be shown to Power of the Purse Members and will be the basis on which they vote for the grant. The rest of the application will be reviewed by the Power of the Purse Committee only. MAY NOT EXCEED 250 WORDS

Project Summary *
Briefly describe the client you would like to reach with this project: (MAY NOT EXCEED 150 WORDS) *examples include age, income, life circumstances, etc.
Briefly share the needs this project will address: MAY NOT EXCEED 150 WORDS *examples include age, income, life circumstances, etc.
What is the approximate timeline for this project (keeping in mind the grant winner typically receives the money in January 2026): *
Have you secured additional funding for this project: *
If yes, list the funding sources and amounts:
By signing my name below, I hereby certify that the information provided herein is accurate, complete, and current. *